Jeremiah Tatum

Full-Stack Software Developer



< Pokemon RPS />

This was my first Python project I did with a partner. The project is the simple game of Rock, Paper, Scissors. However, this version uses pokemon types.


< Password manager />

This was my second Python project I did with a partner. The project is password manager that saves an individual's social media infomation for mutiple applications via PIN number.


< Ramble />

This is my first project that worked with Django using Python. The app allows users of the site to communicate, or "ramble" with other users through live chat rooms, both public and private. The user can also create posts as well as make comments on other user's comments.


< Mars Invaders />

This is my first project that was mostly made with Javascript. The website is a remake of a famous arcade game, Space Invaders. However, My partner and I placed this game in mars and added a series of different features, such as a burst laser that shoots three lasers at once, a rocket that takes out the right, left and top enemies of the enemy that was hit, and also a special feature that we added in there as well.


< Police Report Mangement System(CRUD) />

This is the project that was made with Java. The program is a CRUD (Create, Read, Update, and Delete) project that deals with police reports.


< Dutch />

This project was a website that was built with the framework of Spring Boot. I made a police record managment system that allows users to create, view by either report number or date, update, and delete records.


< BloodHound />

This project was a website that was built with a new language for me: PHP. I made a Crime Record Management System that can be access from Police Officers and Adminstration! As a police officer, The user able to create criminal records and view all the records on the page. As an admin, The user is able to manage both the users and the records. The admin can also create, delete, or assign police officers to counties that are in the system.

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September 2020 - Present


November 2020 - Present


November 2020 - Present


January 2021 - Present


March 2021 - Present


May 2021 - Present


June 2021 - Present


July 2021 - Present

About Me:

My name is Jeremiah Tatum. I am from Hernando, Mississippi, and I am an alumni of Base Camp Coding Academy. Base Camp Coding Academy has trained me for 11 months to become a professional Full-Stack Developer. After Base Camp Coding Academy. I will be attending The University of Memphis to obtain my Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science. I will love to be a part of a team that revolves around software for cybersecurity. I've always been intregued in solving cybersecurity through my experience in software development.

Let's work together...

I would love for you to contact me!